Mother Report

Mother Advertising Report

Three prominent features of the exhibition were, the Football Hooligans, the #freethefeed campaign and 'To Russia With Love'.

The Football Hooligans advert was essentially for a figurine set of the English football hooligans that attended the Marseille football riots, equipped changable hands that held crowbars, ice cream and lager. The agency created these as a way of mocking these English fans as they were deemed national disgraces. They chose to make them into toys as it suggests their immaturity.

Another interesting feature of the exhibition is the #freethefeed advert. This public service advert was created for Mother's Day in 2017 to promote breast feeding as in the UK, thousands of mothers feel watched and judged when feeding in public. The company inflated a large breast on the top of a building which was was quite eye-catching to bystanders, this was the purpose as it wanted to show that it breast feeding isn't that obscure. 

My favourite part of the exhibition was the 'To Russia With Love' campaign which took place in 2013 when Russia introduced a law banning 'homosexual propaganda'. This law restricted people in the LGBT community and caused attacks on them. Mother responded by created five matryoshka dolls of famous LGBT heroes including; Sir Elton John, Stephen Fry, George Micheal, Graham Norton and Tom Daly. The dolls were then sent to the office of Vladimir Putin, fighting hatred with love. 

Mother has created a specific image for itself by creating very controversial adverts and campaigns, often saying things that most people are afraid to say. The agency also tends to target to help minority groups and promotes acceptance.   


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