RED - Post Production

RED - Post Production

This week, we edited the footage we took last week. We used 'iMovie', as it was the only software we had access to out of school.

One of the largest tasks we that we had to do was to add audio and sound effects. For the video we separately recorded the spoken audio and added it over the clips as we wanted crisp sound. We also added sound effects of different diegetic sounds such as; a door opening, footsteps, and text tones. 

For one of our scenes we used Final Cut Pro as we created a clip that looked as if the protagonist received a text message from her mother. We took a a screenshot an iPhone message, removed the background making this a PNG, and then flip the direction of the speech bubble (so that it was facing the girl). For this we used Photoshop. We then imported it into Final Cut Pro and laid it over the footage.


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