The Daily Mail Comparison

The Daily Mail Comparison

  1. What is it about? Who is the target audience?

The Article is about an elderly couple who fell on their driveway and died in the heat. The target audience of this would be for an older age group as the story may be more poignant to them as they could be of a similar age.

  1. Can you easily find the article online?

Trying to find the article on the Daily Mail website was a struggle as the search bar provided did not direct me to the article so I had to scroll through the pages to find it.

  1. What section is it under online?

When researching the article I found the page under the main news section of the Daily Mail online. It was hard to find due to it not being a very popular story.

  1. Which article is more detailed – online/offline/same?

There is more detail on the online as there is unlimited space to put as much information as the editor wants.
  1. Are their differences in the images used offline/online

The same images are used in both the print and online versions of the article, however online they are much larger online.
  1. What interactive elements does the online version have?

The only interactive feature on the page was the option for users to share content online via Facebook, Twitter and Email. There is limited interactive feature in the physical version in comparison to the online version.
  1. How do you account for differences online/offline?

In print, the editor has a limited amount of space, so has to confine the article to only key information. This means the print version is a lot shorter. As for the images, there is less space so they cannot make the images big.
  1. Which do you prefer reading and why?

I would prefer to read the online version of the story as it provides me with more interactive features in which I am able to share the story with people who are interested. The online version also includes more images that allows a deeper insight into the story.


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